15.03.2014 - 15.03.2014 (11:30 h - 12:30 h)
Ubicació: BMMM41.199699*1.626745
Aquest dissabte 15 de març a les 11,30 h, la Biblioteca Municipal Marta Mata us ofereix una nova sessió de l'Hora del conte en anglès, a càrrec de Centre d'estudis i idiomes a Cunit. ENGLISH STORY AND FUNTIME!
One tiny snail longs to see the world and hitches a lift on the tail of a whale. Together they go on an amazing journey, past icebergs and volcanoes, sharks and penguins, and the little snail feels so small in the vastness of the world. But when disaster strikes and the whale is beached in a bay, it's the tiny snail who saves the day
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